The Extremely Attractive Pei Yunge From Next Door's Hengde

Pei Yunge pondered for a moment and nodded. "I understand."

Seeing how obedient Pei Yunge was today, Teacher Wen felt exceptionally happy.

"Don't worry, Yun Ge. As long as you work hard, you should be able to go to Yun University."

As soon as Teacher Wen said this, the teacher from Class One next door couldn't help but sneer.

She glanced at Pei Yunge. "As long as Student Pei's results are real, why wouldn't she get in?"

"You, Teacher Zhou, mind your status!" Teacher Wen's face darkened.

Teacher Zhou raised her eyebrows. "This time, Cheng Zihuai got 737 points as the top scorer of the college entrance examination. Teacher Wen, you're so diligent, you must be able to bring out a top scorer, right?"

With that said…

She left in her high heels.