The Partner of the Corporation's Big Boss!

Pei Yunge's eyebrows moved as she tapped on the computer shell with her index finger rhythmically. Her tone was slightly impatient. "Didn't I say that I don't need your company's shares?"

One Higgins Corporation alone was enough.

During this period, Delani had called eight times to talk to her about joining the team.

Delani felt that Pei Yunge was a little angry and instinctively glanced at the higher-ups who were looking at him.

He immediately stood up and walked out, not forgetting to say hurriedly, "Master Pei, let me explain."

The higher-ups who stayed were speechless.

Was that still their arrogant and cool boss?!

Who was the god who spoke to the boss on the phone?! They could actually make their boss so… pathetic?!


In the long corridor.

Delani explained softly, "Look, you've already helped Higgins produce a product. Aren't we still old friends? How can Higgins be as concerned about you as I am?"