Accident in the World of the Rich!

"Lilia, that's not what we meant…"

"Then what do you mean?" Lilia asked in return, leaving everyone speechless.

Lilia pursed her lips. "Continue changing."

This content was like trash in front of Yelena's team.

"I don't believe that they wrote that report themselves!" Someone said angrily.

"But we can't prove that they didn't write that report…"

They were indignant, but they did not notice a dark look flash in Lilia's eyes.


The next day.

Everyone came to the classroom early to prepare.

On the other hand, Yelena practised more to make sure that nothing would go wrong.

She moved closer to Pei Yunge and said in surprise, "Yunge, how much is this laptop of yours? It's quite good-looking and looks handmade."

"Someone gave it to me."

Pei Yunge said casually, "If you like it, I'll get them to send you one in the future."

"Is that appropriate? I'll give you money."