The Computer Is Too Awesome And Little G Strikes Lai Yunqing

[Is your CPU very good?]

Little G's robotic voice fell.

Everyone saw that Lai Yunqing's laptop operations order had completely collapsed…

Everyone was stunned.

[Is your heat dissipation very good?]


Everyone saw the codes on the unmanned laptop fly even faster.

Soon, smoke started to emit from Lai Yunqing's laptop and the entire laptop was paralyzed…

Lai Yunqing's expression was livid. Facing the artificial intelligence's 'counterattack', she could only stand on the spot stiffly and was at a loss.

Pei Yunge was speechless.

Fortunately, the system had not been installed in the robot. Otherwise, Pei Yunge would not find it surprising that this little thing would use a hammer to smash Lai Yunqing's laptop.



Little G's actions were still very erratic.

One of the 27 cameras was recording Lai Yunqing's dark expression.