Organization Invasion and Exposing Danger


"How is that impossible? Look, even Professor Lai lost to this laptop…"

Many students below the stage were discussing fervently, making Lai Yunqing's face turn livid.


On the way.

Ceng Xu sighed. "Miss Pei, your laptop is really similar to your temper!"

Pei Yunge was speechless.


Pei Yunge was about to get into the car when a mechanical voice sounded from the laptop Ceng Xu was carrying carefully.

"Harmful invasion detected. Target has been intercepted!"

Pei Yunge's eyes flashed.

Usually, when there was an invasion, Little G would ask her to handle it. Only when there was a dangerous invasion would Little G automatically intercept the invasion.

Little G's sudden voice almost scared Ceng Xu and his hand almost trembled.

Pei Yunge's voice was slightly cold. "Find out the reason."

With that said…