Master Pei Turns the Situation Around! The Great Demon of Humiliation Appears Again!

"What written exam?"

Pei Yunge froze.

"I don't know either. No one informed us at all! How can this be…"

Su Zhihuan was extremely anxious. "I heard from the people from the other teams that their team has been doing the written exam for the whole day! Besides, the written exam results make up 40% of the total results…"

With that said…

Pei Yunge heard Su Zhihuan talking to Tang Ye softly, thinking that she would not be able to hear her.

"Brother Ye, it doesn't matter if Yunge knows about this or not. Why don't you let her continue playing? Anyway, she's a computing contestant and can't help."

Pei Yunge was speechless.

Tang Ye's eyelid twitched and he quickly took the phone. "Yunge, why don't you come over and we can do it together?"

"Send me the website address first."