Wang Huiying Poached Someone Secretly and Got A Dark Horse!

Su Zhihuan's mind suddenly went blank.

They were doomed.

"How is it?"

Du Chaoye and Tang Ye's eyes landed on it.

Su Zhihuan smiled stiffly. "Maybe we can only take a gamble."

Tang Ye and Du Chaoye were speechless.


Ever since that bet, Oz found that Pei Yunge had been reading on the sixth floor for three consecutive days.

Oz could not help asking, "Aren't you going to get into the top three? Why are you staying with me?"

"They can do it."

Pei Yunge turned a page and leaned against the floor lazily. "Oz, don't you have a cushion or something? The floor is a little hard."

Oz's expression darkened. "I don't have time to serve you like an ancestor!"

Fortunately, he did not let this girl be Miss Nanyi's disciple! Although this girl was talented, she was too confident.

She would suffer a huge loss in the future!

Oz could not help sneering. "Little girl, don't cry when you lose!"
