Out of Control! Is My Bottom Line So Easy to Cross?

The color drained from the middle-aged woman's face. "You… If you didn't pass the recording…"

"Shut up!"

Xiao Han suddenly flew into a rage and kicked the middle-aged woman ruthlessly!

If it wasn't for this b*tch, he wouldn't have gotten into trouble either.

"Xiao Han!"

The people in the police station could not stand it anymore.

"Captain Liu, don't forget the rules," Director Chen said coldly.

"Where is she? That woman hasn't been found yet?! Can't you find her, or are you unwilling to find her for me?"

Xiao Han kicked the desk ruthlessly and the things on the table fell to the floor.

The people around them looked aggrieved as they clenched their fists.

What kind of place was this? They allowed a foreign man to mess around??

However, they had to consider the overall situation.

"What's wrong? Teacher Xiao Han is so angry."

Everyone turned to look at the person who just arrived instinctively.