Exposed! Causing A Huge Commotion and Calling the Office of the South Side

"Student! Put down your weapons! We can talk things out!"

The people around were shocked. They did not expect Pei Yunge to act so quickly.

Even the staff could not react.

Xiao Han also felt as if his life was being enveloped by the grim reaper. For the first time, he felt like his life was hanging by a thread. His eyes were filled with fear.


Director Chen was furious. "Who are you?! Do you know what you're doing?! Put it down!!"

Pei Yunge licked her red lips and suddenly smirked. Before anyone could react, she suddenly punched Xiao Han's face ruthlessly.

Xiao Han's mouth was filled with blood and his teeth were loose. After he howled in pain, he was so afraid that his body was trembling.

The rest of the people were stunned and in disbelief. They did not expect someone to dare to attack someone in the police station…

Crazy. Crazy.

She was really crazy.