Master Pei Shows Her Dominance and Elopes With Master Du

Pei Yunge bumped straight into the man's chest.

"What are you doing?"

Pei Yunge's eyelid twitched as she looked up at the man with a casual expression.

"Didn't Yunyun forbid me from appearing in school?"

The man helped Pei Yunge tidy her messy hair with one hand. Suddenly, he bent down carelessly and smiled frivolously.

Pei Yunge suddenly felt Huo Shidu holding her hand.

The atmosphere and the other party's temperature made her feel a secret intimacy and excitement, making her inexplicably happy. Her heart raced and their fingers were crossed flirtatiously…

"Then do you want to have a relationship with Older Brother?"

Pei Yunge met the man's eyes, but as if she was scalded by his gaze, she quickly looked away.

Her heart was like a drum.


Huo Shidu also felt that he had gone too far just now.

So much so that the child with red ears beside him did not even look up as he walked.