How Can I Not Put Away My Ego When Chasing My Little Girl?


Pei Yunge had just pulled Huo Shidu back when the man pulled her back without moving.

Therefore, Pei Yunge bumped into the man instinctively.

In front of Mr Cheng, she was holding Huo Shidu's hand and their hands were pressed against his chest.

Just like that, the cold and subtle atmosphere merged.


Huo Shidu even reached out fearlessly and caressed Pei Yunge's head. His lazy voice was low and filled with teasing. "Don't you like the ice cream at the school gate?"

"Older Brother wanted to eat a mouthful, but Yunyun refused."

Pei Yunge was speechless.

Did Huo Shidu, this d*mn man, take the wrong medicine?

Mr Cheng froze for a moment before he said slowly with a smile, "Ge'er, long time no see. I heard some time ago that Ge'er became the top scorer in the country. I haven't had the time to congratulate you properly."

"Uncle Cheng."

Pei Yunge nodded and only smirked.