Darling, I Will Always Be Passionate For You

Xie Xuning stretched out his hands to massage Ye Linlang's calf. He whispered, "Why does the old lady like to be more evil as she gets older? She used to toss Wu Tong a lot...

"I do want Tianxin to be happy, but we can't deny Qingcang's feelings for Tianxin just because of Qingcang's grandma. What's more, even if we want to break them up, Tianxin may not listen to us."

   Ye Linlang was worried. What's wrong with her daughter?

   She was a top student at Imperial Capital University.

   Her father was Xie Xuning.

   She and Li Qingcang were also equal.

   Why did the old lady disagree with this?

   "Qingcang is sensible enough to take care of it quickly. We don't have to worry about anything else."

   Ye Linlang leaned tiredly on the soft pillow. She asked Xie Xuning, "Is Shanyue better?"

   "She's much better. She just looks hurt, but there's nothing else wrong with her."