You Don't Deserve Our Qingcang

"Hello, who is it?"

  While Ye Tianxin was rehearsing, her cell phone rang and the caller ID was a landline number.

   She hesitated but still picked it up.

   There was a voice in the earpiece before Ye Tianxin could say hello.

   "Are you Ye Tianxin?"

   Grandma Li's tone was not friendly. Ye Tianxin was stunned and then asked, "I am Ye Tianxin. May I ask who is this?"

   "I am Li Qingcang's grandmother. Where are you? Let's meet."

  Ye Tianxin thought it was Grandma's birthday today.

   Why did she offer to meet her? Despite her doubts, Ye Tianxin readily said yes anyway since she was Li Qingcang's grandma.

   "Grandma, happy birthday. It's okay for us to meet, but I'm in the middle of a rehearsal right now and I can't just leave. I will come to see you tomorrow."

   Grandma Li was furious when she heard that Ye Tianxin would see her tomorrow.