Chapter 591: Is She Cold-blooded?

"Vote for Number 8!" someone suddenly proposed, "I saw it, the short-haired woman has an 8 on her shoe! She is Blue Eyes!"

"We can also vote for Number 27! I saw it too, Number 27 is Red Eyes!" another person said.

The bespectacled man next to the doctor said, "We need to vote for at least three people in the first round; we're still short of one, who should we vote for?"

According to the game rules, five people must be eliminated in each round. If they only eliminate two outsiders, then the remaining three spots will likely be filled by Yellow Eyes's group. They only have nine people (including Bai Youwei who is posing as a yellow eye). If they eliminate three people, there will only be six left. That means, in the second round of voting, they'll only have six votes to manipulate. With such a small number of votes, a comeback would be impossible!

So in the first round, they must try to eliminate three people from the outsiders!