Chapter 592: What color are the eyes?

By the time Bai Youwei received it, six numbers had already been crossed out on the paper.

Nineteen numbers were lined up vertically, 1-5 at the top, 10-18 in the middle, and 24-27 at the bottom.

Bai Youwei's number 11 was crossed out, and since everyone had to cross out two numbers, the previous people might also cross out the numbers of the people after them.

Bai Youwei casually crossed off number 1 and number 17, then passed the paper to the next person.

After one round, number 2 was the only one left uncrossed, so the final three numbers they were going to vote for were 2, 8, and 27.

Once the numbers were determined, everyone heaved a sigh of relief. The fact that the first step went smoothly and cautiously seemed like a good omen.

Everyone stayed with Dr. Xu Fanghe, continuing the discussion about the possible scenarios of the game, planning to go together to the kiosk in the plaza to vote when it was time.

Not long after, they heard a commotion.