
She genuinely treated Weichi Song as her mentor and genuinely respected him. In the past, I didn't have this chance and owed him a lot. Now, I finally have the chance to repay him.

Weichi Song looked at Chu Liuyue, and his eyes seemed to ripple as he gently spoke after a long time. "Liuyue, you've just accepted me as your mentor, yet you've done so much…"

Logically speaking, even for a mentor and disciple, they wouldn't do so much for each other after just knowing each other. But since the start, Chu Liuyue seemed to be unreserved toward Chong Xu Cabinet and me.

No matter if it is her disregarding everything and choosing Chong Xu Cabinet out of all the clans or helping me redeem all these items later on… She did too much—this is definitely not something one can do because they're rich. This is even more so since it encompasses her sincerity.