Big Misunderstanding

Jian Fengchi was stunned. W-where did all of this come from? Chu Liuyue chose Chong Xu Cabinet, but isn't that her own choice? What has that got to do with me?

But to Jian Shuye, his taken aback expression looked as though he was guilty. He pointed at his son's nose and angrily said, "You, you, you… Not only did you break Liuyue's heart, but you even want to drag other girls in. Why do I have a son like you?!"

This misunderstanding is huge! Jian Fengchi felt his head ache, and he closed his eyes. "Father, where did you hear all of this from? Do you not even believe your own son?"

Jian Shuye's heart ached. "If you were dependable, would I need to do this? It's all your fault!"

Jian Fengchi was speechless. Then, he said weakly, "No matter what, you must give me a chance to explain, right?"

Jian Shuye finally said, "Come in!"