Her Name!

Rong Xiu tightly held her slim waist as if wanting to completely rub her into his arms and merge her with his bones.

He kissed her back as if he were struggling to suppress something. It was only until he smelled the metallic taste that he finally let her go.

His gaze was dark and thick like the sea. There seemed to be a layer of invisible force that wrapped around her.

After a while, he closed his eyes and hid all the emotion in them. "…Okay."

Once he said this, the thick cold aura around his body seemed to spread around. A harsh and tremendous strength suddenly rushed out of his body!


A whir was heard!

Upon hearing this, the crowd looked in unison. This sound… actually came from Dong Huang Clock Tower!

Rays of light silently appeared on the dark stone wall.

"This is…" Elder Bo Yan watched this scene in shock. Why did Rong Xiu suddenly summon the Qing Yun Ranking out of nowhere?