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Over a hundred silver strands of sword aura suddenly flew out! The entire Million Wine Mountain was instantly covered!

Knock knock!

The sword aura flew out and harshly pierced into the ground! The white frost rapidly spread around and suddenly stopped moving forward.

The countless strands of sword aura around Million Wine Mountain formed a gigantic cage, completely sealing that strange, harsh, and cold air! Other than the sword aura, everything was normal.

Inside the sword aura, the liveliness was extinguished.

In the blink of an eye, the trees and plants on Million Wine Mountain had already withered, and some even became burned and crinkled. At first glance, it seemed like the last bit of vitality was sucked away.

Chu Liuyue's figure moved, and she went straight for the fountain!

"Yue'er!" Intense uneasiness suddenly surfaced in Shangguan Jing's heart!