Business Partner

When Xia Xibei arrived at the destination at 10 the next morning, Tang Luo was there already.

The two of them exchanged a look and smiled, then proceeded to settle down in a rather remote, quiet shop.

They ordered some food and began discussing the main subject right away.

"I heard that you're pretty good with computers," Xia Xibei said after taking a sip of water.

"Who did you hear that from?" Tang Luo asked, his brows raised.

"It doesn't matter," Xia Xibei smiled and shook her head. "The thing is, I'd like to collaborate with you."

"Collaborate? What do you want to collaborate on? Studies?" Tang Luo volleyed back.

"Are you interested in developing a streaming platform?"

Tang Luo raised his gaze abruptly the moment he heard her words, a sharp gleam present in his eyes.

"A streaming platform?"