Honey is Depressed

The two of them began discussing the things which needed to be done.

Xia Xibei knew a little bit about live streaming. As for platform development, that was Tang Luo's area.

It seemed that Tang Luo already had some understanding of it, so their conversation was pleasant and smooth.

They found a place to have lunch and continued their discussion.

It wasn't until the two of them listed all the issues they could think of that they stopped.

After stopping, they couldn't help but laugh at each other, feeling a sense of sympathy.

Their personalities were well matched, and it felt very pleasant to get along with each other.

After having dinner too, they realized that they had been sitting for a whole day without moving!

"Let's take a walk and digest some of this food," Xia Xibei suggested.

It was exhausting sitting for a whole day.

"Ok." Tang Luo didn't disagree.