You Guys Have True Love

After finally getting through class, Jin Yazhen rushed out immediately.

Xia Xibei's smile grew as she watched her flustered figure retreat.

"There's a good show coming up..."

Tang Luo glanced at her, shocked and confused.

How did she know these things?

Jin Yazhen rushed out of the classroom and found an empty place before calling back.

"Why did you hang up on me?" A rough male voice came out from the other end.

"It- It was the morning study period; I can't answer my phone!" Jin Yazhen explained quickly.

"You're at school?"

"Of course! If I'm not at school, where else would I be?"

"Aren't you supposed to be on the ferris wheel?"

With those words, Jin Yazhen's face paled. "What- What did you say? What ferris wheel? Do you want to go to a ferris wheel?"


The voice on the other end became somber and cold. "I think you had a pretty good time on the ferris wheel!"