She's My Lover

When Jin Yazhen arrived at the scene, she couldn't help but gasp.

The verbal quarrel stage had passed, and the fighting had officially started.

Brother Liang was pulling Yang Xuan into a violent beating!

"How dare you steal my woman! How dare you cuckold me! I'll beat you to death..."

His fist fell mercilessly onto Yang Xuan, who yelped again and again.

After a few punches, he was finally pulled away by others.

Even as he was pulled away, Brother Liang was still trying to kick Yang Xuan with his feet, yelling at him.

There were already many students around, all of whom were whispering curiously.

Someone recognized Yang Xuan. After all, the incident from before was only a few days ago.

They couldn't help being curious about what had happened to Yang Xuan. Why was he so full of drama?

A security guard pulled Brother Liang's arm back and prevented him from hitting Yang Xuan again.

"Who are you? How did you get in?!"