She Wants to Harm Our Children

"What's the name of the person you're talking about?" The cop inquired with some hesitation.

Perhaps it was just her lookalike!

"Her name is Xia Xibei!" Liu Lixin blurted out right away, a fiery ball of rage having ignited within her.

She wondered what in the world was wrong with those people. Not only was Xia Xibei unscathed, they had even gotten themselves into the police station!

Luckily, they did not give her away.

However, it turned out that Xia Xibei had found out about it!

For the past couple of days, Liu Lixin and Xia Shahai had received several threatening letters. These letters contained photos of their two children with hateful words written below them.

"You won't leave me in peace, so I'm gonna ruin your peace too."

"I will drag them to Hell with me!"

The horrific words were written in a very neat handwriting.

Liu Lixin exploded right away when she received those letters.