Not a Family

Xia Shahai scowled. Why was Xia Xibei so well-behaved?

Before he could speak a single word, Liu Lixin exploded beside him.

"You freaking bitch! How dare you lay hands on my children?! I'm gonna make you pay for it!"

Even though she loved money, she cared for her children even more.

If anything untoward happened to them, she would never let Xia Xibei get away with it!

If others hadn't been stopping her, she would have dashed forward and scratched Xia Xibei's face by now.

Xia Xibei couldn't help but take a few steps back in the face of her fury. Frightened, she asked, "What… What do you mean? When did I lay- Lay hands on your children?"

"Don't play the fool with me!" Liu Lixin growled in rage, "Didn't you send us the threatening letters? If you dare harm them, I'll kill you!"

Xia Xibei shrank a little and panicked terribly. 

"Auntie, what are you talking about? I don't get it..."