I'm Chasing Celebrities

After handing over the stuff to the class teacher, Xia Xibei ignored Wan Shijie.

He couldn't make any waves anyway.

At noon, Xia Xibei received a call from Jiang Yuran, who sounded a little excited.

"My elder brother is here, when are you free?"

Ever since he learned that his big brother was not ill, but poisoned, Jiang Yuran's heart had been suspended in mid-air.

He and his elder brother were several years apart, but the two of them had always had a very good relationship.

Plus, when Xia Xibei spoke of it so frighteningly, he didn't dare hesitate.

Therefore, he desperately urged his parents, and then his elder brother, to hurry over.

Fortunately, the entire Jiang family, including Jiang Liran himself, was very concerned about this matter, so in the past two days, after the arrangements were taken care of, Jiang Liran flew from the Capital City to G City.