Too Unreliable

Jiang Liran's face and lips were rosy, looking as if he was full of energy.  

However, his eyes were tinged with fatigue.

His health was getting worse and worse. He looked radiant but was actually very weak, getting sick at the drop of a hat.

In the past two years, he had to go to the doctor almost once every month.

In addition, he also ate a lot of tonic, such as ginseng, reishi, etc., almost constantly.

However, the situation was not getting any better.

This time, Jiang Yuran said he had found a very powerful doctor, so he put everything on halt and flew to G City.

"How about it? Has the doctor come yet?"

Jiang Liran was restless as he watched the time pass by.

Even if his personality was calm, he was also anxious. Who didn't want to be healthy? This feeling of being sick was really hard to bear.

"Don't worry, the doctor's almost here." Jiang Yuran took his phone and contacted Xia Xibei. "Just a few more minutes."