Still Not Solved

Xia Xibei's beautiful hands seemed to be dancing, and with a swoosh, the silver needles landed on Jiang Liran's forearm.

The brothers couldn't help but draw a breath.

That was just horrifying!

However, something even scarier was yet to come.

In Jiang Liran's forearm, living things were moving under his skin! They moved one after another, like worms crawling towards the fingers.

The brothers were dumbfounded, thinking they were seeing things.

After placing a row of silver needles around the black spot, Xia Xibei took out a slightly thicker silver needle and fiercely stabbed Jiang Liran's middle finger.

"Ah!" Jiang Liran shrieked as a drop of reddish black blood dripped from his finger. There was something moving inside it.

Xia Xibei brought over a cup filled with some liquor.

She moved his finger toward the cup and gave it a squeeze.