Horrible Outcome

Jiang Yuran's words caused Jiang Liran to freeze for a moment.

Big Qiao? Qiao Yanjue?

Jiang Liran was several years apart from Qiao Yanjue and the others, so they didn't hang out together, but how could he not know Qiao Yanjue?

This young woman... Ah, this little miracle doctor and Qiao Yanjue had a relationship?

And judging by Jiang Yuran's attitude, it seemed that the relationship between the two was not ordinary!

Jiang Liran was still pondering over the relationship between the two, and Xia Xibei was all but speechless.

"What are you talking about?!"

"Oh yeah, I said the wrong thing!" Jiang Yuran understood and lightly slapped his own mouth. "How could you and Big Qiao have a fight? If you really quarreled, he'd definitely kneel on a washboard first!"

With Qiao Yanjue's whipped ways, there was no need for him to be on Xia Xibei's side.