Procedure Reversed

After the brief moment of surprise, Jiang Shenghe and his wife felt rather uncertain. 

Could such a young doctor really do that? Was this some kind of hoax? 

Xia Xibei smiled warmly when she saw the doubt on their faces, "It's okay, I'll ask someone to send the medicines here." 

She took out her phone and gave Huo Zijun a call. 

On the other end, Huo Zijun was slightly dazed upon picking up the call, 

"What's wrong with your voice?" 

"Nothing," Xia Xibei skipped the subject. "Help me send some herbs and bring the cooking utensils along too." 

Despite his puzzlement, Huo Zijun said yes to her request. 

For the past month, the cosmeceuticals company that they newly founded had produced a series of skincare products, all of which they named Hongyan Youth. 

Despite its low cost and its manufacturing process, which was much simpler than that of other companies, they did not produce it on an excessively large scale.