A Way Out

Huo Zijun walked over. After glancing Jiang Qirui up and down, he reached out with a hand to take his pulse. 

Then the look on his face changed subtly.

"You asked for those herbs so that you can treat him, right?" 

"Yup," Xia Xibei nodded while sorting the herbs. 

Although the herbs were complete, some required special handling before they could be used. 

"Are you sure these will work?" 

Everyone else held their breaths. 

"Or else what?" Xia Xibei raised her brows. "You think I'm gonna play games with these?" 

Huo Zijun shook his head. She sure wouldn't fool around with things of such nature. 

"Does this one need to be handled like that?" He stared at Xia Xibei's actions in surprise. 

"Yes," Xia Xibei nodded without stopping what she was doing.