Sister Bei Wins People Over

All the viewers who had opened the pop-ups were stoked by this pop-up, and the pop-ups instantly multiplied.

[What the- Sure enough, it's Sister Bei! So fierce!]

[Sister Bei is definitely Sister Bei! She's awesome!]

[This is basically Sister Bei's solo show! Cheers for Sister Bei!]

[I'm a fan of Lele's, so why am I getting a crush on her? I don't want to be so nervous for her so fast!]

[Anyone nervous? Take me with you!]

[Sister Bei is so gorgeous! I feel like I'm becoming gay for her!

[Please, I'm already so into her!]

The pop-ups instantly exploded, with 90% of them being related to Xia Xibei.

At the same time, more comments and screenshots went online.

The fast bloggers had already cropped all the interesting images from the show and started to promote it like crazy.