The Appeal is Too Fierce

Previously, because of the feud between Xia Xibei and Xia Qinghan, the popularity of "Million Dollar Wisdom & Courage" increased.

Although the show wasn't as hot as "Full Steam Ahead," the program team was a little confused when they saw that the number of streams had exploded.

When they figured out the connection here, they couldn't help but marvel.

This was all fate!

They didn't even think that Xia Xibei and Xia Qinghan would participate in this episode of "Full Steam Ahead!"

Thanks to the two of them, or rather, thanks to Xia Xibei, this episode's ratings were explosive.

This episode's ratings were more than that of all previous episodes combined!

Xia Xibei's appeal was too strong!

Many people already had a premonition in their hearts— Xia Xibei's rising momentum was unstoppable!

The audience was dumbfounded after watching the show.