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People were arguing online again, and the focus was on Xia Xibei.

Oh, and everyone pulled Xia Qinghan in for comparison and mockery as well.

In just two hours, some of Xia Qinghan's topics instantly cooled down, in contrast to Xia Xibei's popularity skyrocketing.

[I can't help but shed a tear for a certain school beauty. This difference is too big, right?]

Some nosy bloggers also made a comparison chart of Xia Xibei and Xia Qinghan's performance, and the contrast was horrific.

In "Full Steam Ahead," Xia Xibei's performance was so strong and aggressive that she completed all the tasks without fanfare. On the contrary, Xia Qinghan, was very pampered and acted cute next to Wei Xile, and spent a lot of effort to complete the tasks with great difficulty.