
The program staff of the "The Strongest Female Group" started sweating as they watched #XiaXibeiWasPickedOn and #TheStrongestFemaleGroupIsTrash trending on the topic list.

The director, in particular, was yelled at by the boss.

"Why didn't you tell me about Xia Xibei's elimination?! Are you morons?! You could have eliminated anyone else, but you cut her?!

"There are so many trainees, and only Xia Xibei has the most buzz, yet you kicked her out?! Do you know anything?!

"Who the hell hired Yan Junhong?! Can he do anything?! Does he think he's the boss after bringing out a girl group back then?"

"Do you think the audience is blind?! You are the ones who are blind and deaf!"

In the office, a middle-aged man was going on a tirade. The table was slapped with a thud, the sound able to be heard from outside. People hurriedly looked down.

Some people were feeling relief.