Milk Tea Shop

Pan Yan turned the two cups of milk tea over and over, his expression confused and complicated.

"Jiabei Sweet has a branch here too?"

Since the opening of Jiabei Sweet, Pan Yan had become a loyal customer of the store.

Pan Yan was a milk tea fan. Although he was not an entertainer and did not need to be too strict with his figure, he could not indulge himself either.

If he became bald and had a big belly while being only in his 20s, it would be too embarrassing!

So, after trying Jiabei Sweet's milk tea and making sure he wouldn't gain weight, he immediately went crazy.

It tasted good and you didn't gain weight! It was a godsend!

If he had time, he would drink a cup every day.

Although Jiabei Sweet milk tea was not cheap, it was something that he could afford.

After all, this treasure helped revive him!