Not Afraid of Getting Fat

Pan Yan did not say this lightly.

People who sent gifts, in addition to fans, could also be haters, some of whom had twisted minds

Those people would use the excuse of sending food to mix in some terrible things.

Once a star drank a mouthful of a drink laced with corrosive agents sent by a hater and almost died.

Therefore, nowadays, stars generally did not dare to accept these things, especially cautious with food.

"Don't worry, I know," Xia Xibei nodded while drinking milk tea.

Back then, she had also narrowly escaped a trap set by a hater, but fortunately she reacted quickly and threw it out, preventing irreversible consequences.

Now, however, she had mastered the art of medicine and poison, so she wouldn't be easily fooled anymore.

"That's good," Pan Yan nodded and continued to drink milk tea.

While drinking milk tea, Xia Xibei opened the lunch box.