This Is An Apology

When he saw Xia Xibei walk in, Qiao Yanjue just stared at her, not saying anything the whole time.

Xia Xibei's scalp tingled from his look and she wanted to grab the door and leave.

However, this idea quickly disappeared, because it was not necessary.

Qiao Yanjue, after giving her a sad look, actually looked down at his papers!

Now Xia Xibei knew that he was really angry.

Due to the nature of Xia Xibei's work, she often needed to run around and fly everywhere.

However, every time she went to other places, she would talk to Qiao Yanjue to give him a little mental preparation.

This time, things were so sudden that she left in a hurry.

When she arrived at the Imperial Capital, Qiao Yanjue only knew where she was.

So, he was angry.

Besides being angry that she suddenly ran to the Imperial Capital, he was also angry that she didn't say anything.