Harassing Phone Calls

When Xia Xibei was close to him and her fragrance wafted over, all of Qiao Yanjue's reserve and discomfort disappeared.

At this moment, he only wanted to absorb Xia Xibei into his body.

This little vixen was really too much!

This way of apologizing was indeed very much to his liking.

In the next second, his lips had already landed on her, the air instantly on fire.

However, the sudden ringing of the phone broke the beautiful ambiance.

Xia Xibei's face flushed red with the displeasure of being interrupted. 

"Who's calling?"

Qiao Yanjue's reaction was no better than hers as he took a deep breath to suppress the restlessness in his body.

The phone was not far away, so he grabbed it with his big hand. 

"It's yours."

Xia Xibei was a bit chagrined.

Who would call her at this time of night?!

Didn't they know that disturbing people's good times would be punished with a lightning strike?