I Will Move Out

Seeing that Tang Luo was tucking herself inside the blanket more and more, Mo Bonan finally let go and didn't continue to force her.

He picked up the clothes on the floor and started to put them back on.

The sound of rustling clothes made the tips of Tang Luo's ears red.

"Okay, get dressed."

Mo Bonan's voice made her gasp again and carefully poke her head out from under the covers like a little snail.

Mo Bonan was indeed dressed, but he had put on the shirt that had been torn in half as well!

The shirt just draped over his chest, looking very ridiculous.

In Tang Luo's opinion, this was her death knell.

This piece of clothing viciously accused her of all the bad things she had done and gave her no place to hide.

"Um… Can you… Go out first?" she asked cautiously. "I- I will also put on something…"

Mo Bonan surveyed Tang Luo, who had wrapped herself into a chrysalis, and when she was about to give up, finally nodded.