I Don't Deserve You

Mo Bonan's face was grim. Who told her to move out?

Tang Luo looked up in surprise, and after meeting his ashen face, she hurriedly lowered her head. 

"Don't worry, I won't pester you."

Mo Bonan laughed at her words.

"You won't pester me, but I want to pester you!"

These words made Tang Luo look up sharply, shocked. He couldn't be acting crazy with her, right?

Mo Bonan was just joking, but after seeing her shocked expression, he also changed his mind.

He stared at Tang Luo closely. "You ate me up and now you want to just run away?"

His aura was so strong that Tang Luo couldn't help but back up. 

"I'm sorry, I know I'm not good enough for you..."

"Who said you don't deserve me?" Mo Bonan's face darkened even more, flushing unpleasantly. "Who told you this?"

He never said such things to her, and no one around here should have said such things to her either.

Why would she think this way in this situation?