A Lotus Flower

These words made many people laugh in their hearts.

What evidence could be found?

In order to frame Xia Xibei, they were ruthless enough to damage these spirit plants.

If the elders knew about it, they would definitely have to pay a steep price!

It was even possible for them to be kicked out of the family.

Therefore, they did it in a particularly stealthy manner, and it absolutely would not be discovered.

In this case, Xia Xibei would be hard-pressed to justify herself.

They wondered what explanation she would have when the disaster unfolded later.

Even the old man was curious. What could this girl show?

Qi Zhi'an and Ling Xiao looked at each other with worry in their eyes.

Ling Xiao felt even more apologetic.

If she hadn't invited Xia Xibei over, she wouldn't be in this kind of trouble right now!

After all, this was the Qi family's spirit plant, which meant a lot.