I'll Just Touch It

Qi Zhi'an moved so fast that he scared Xia Xibei, and she almost retreated backwards.

"Don't move!" Qi Zhi'an shouted. "What's with your lotus flower?"

Qi Zhi'an's movement also woke everyone up from their stupor. Everyone looked at Xia Xibei with shocked and horrified expressions.

Why did she have a lotus flower?!

The lotus flower was the unique symbol of their Qi family!

Moreover, this lotus flower actually appeared on her forehead!

If it was someone from their Qi family, the meaning represented by this position...

Everyone couldn't help but draw in a breath.

How was it possible?!

Xia Xibei must have heard about their Qi family's secrets from somewhere and used this trick on them!

Yes! That must be how it was!

That was what they were thinking, but they couldn't move their feet.

Xia Xibei, no matter how good she was, would not dare to use such tricks to deceive them!