All Want to Compete

The news that Director Smith was coming here for a casting call had actually gotten out.

Those who were well-informed already knew about it.

The actresses who were eligible were rubbing their hands together, eager to get this opportunity right away.

If they could get in with Director Smith, they would be halfway to the international stage!

Director Smith was a great director!

Even in the international arena, he was very popular and had incredible appeal.

He had not made many films, but every project of his was carefully crafted and the final result was very good.

Every movie was a hit and a winner, with a rating of nine or more.

Nowadays, many movies were trolled as bad movies. Either the plot had logical problems, or the shooting was problematic, or the actors' acting skills were not good...

Many movies were rated at five or six, and many bad movies with three or four scores were derided as money laundering.