Went to Be a Chef

In fact, before Cheng Yingni and Xia Xibei went against each other, it was only because of Hu Yuling's instructions. They had no grudge.

It could be said that they did not know each other at all before, let alone have a reason to hold any grudges.

However, after a few encounters and tussles, Cheng Yingni's mood changed.

The two of them were already in conflict over resources. After all, they were of the same age and followed the same route, so naturally their resources were similar and in competition.

In this case, and after a few defeats, she disliked Xia Xibei more and more.

Whe was so humiliated every time, while Xia Xibei did not have any problems, this stark contrast annoyed her a lot.

Under such circumstances, it would be strange if she did not hate Xia Xibei.

Moreover, because of the Zhuang Xiao'ai incident, she became even more upset with Xia Xibei.

In her opinion, Zhuang Xiao'ai must have been bribed by Xia Xibei!