I'm Too Nosy

"Are you okay?"

Hu Yuling immediately helped Cheng Yingni up and looked carefully at the floor, but there was nothing wrong here!

How could she suddenly fall down?

"What's going on here?" Xia Xibei came over with a concerned face. "It's not a calcium deficiency, right? Why do you think you often fall down for no reason?"

Pan Yan also had a confused expression. "Sister Ling, shouldn't you get checked out?"

Pan Yan was full of incomprehension.

Cheng Yingni was an adult, but how come she fell so often?

There was nothing in front of her. No water stains, no bumps, no rocks. How could she fall for no reason?

Hu Yuling also got worried.

Cheng Yingni couldn't really have any health problems, right?

"It's you!"

Cheng Yingni lost it as she pointed at Xia Xibei and roared in anger.

It was clearly Xia Xibei who did it! She had just smiled at her!