Falling Again

Director Smith and his team were inside discussing the performance of these actors and were still waiting for the last candidate, Xia Xibei, to come in, but after waiting for a while and not seeing anyone come in, then hearing the noise outside, they came out to take a look.

After listening to all the situation, Director Smith's face became very ugly.

Cheng Yingni had fallen, but had said that Xia Xibei had done it?

That was ridiculous!

Did she think that this was her own house and everyone would unconditionally believe her words?

Luckily, Cheng Yingni didn't dare to accuse anyone anymore and admitted her mistake in the end.

However, this also made Director Smith's impression of her much worse.

He originally thought that he could let Cheng Yingni play another role in this movie, but now it seemed that it needed to be reconsidered.