Have a Drink

Lu Liangxun and Gu Yinglei looked at each other, both with sparks in their eyes.

Xia Xibei looked at the two going tit-for-tat and couldn't help but laugh, "It seems like you guys don't have a good relationship."

The others were stunned. Obviously! They were not on good terms!

With bickering like this, everyone knew there was a problem!

The two men usually had little contact, but once they crossed paths, 

not once was there a peaceful resolution.

That was why their friends usually did not let them appear in one place, lest they make a scene.

Today was such a coincidence.

"Beibei, I..." 

Gu Yinglei flashed an ingratiating smile toward Xia Xibei, but before he could go on, he was interrupted by Xia Xibei.

"I think you can actually be friends."


Gu Yinglei and Lu Liangxun looked at each other, their faces twisted.

Who wanted to be friends with him?!