So This Is the Level

Qi Xin originally did not talk, she just watched the fight from the side.

It wasn't that she didn't want to say anything, but she didn't need to open her mouth.

With Lu Liangxun and Gu Yinglei around, it was enough.

Besides, she had seen Xia Xibei's verbal prowess before.

If she dared to open her mouth, it would be easy to bring the battle to herself, and she didn't want to be involved.

To her surprise, Xia Xibei didn't let her go even before she spoke.

She stood up from the water, "I..."

"Come on, you can accompany me back." Xia Xibei laughed and extended her hand toward her.

In front of the eyes of the surrounding crowd, Qi Xin could only squeeze out a smile. "Well, then, I'll go with you."

Before leaving, Xia Xibei smiled at them and said, "Have a good time, I'll be waiting for you."

After saying that, she drifted away.

Qi Xin looked at them with a complicated expression and followed Xia Xibei.