Unfamiliar Man

Qiao Yanjue was so frightened by the lingering smell inside that he hurriedly backed up.

Only after exiting the room did he feel his respiratory system returning to normal.

The smell inside was horrible!

If someone else was there, they would have asked, were they cooking feces?

Or did the toilet burst?

Qiao Yanjue was unprepared and almost suffocated from the smell.

However, there was no one in the room.

Xia Xibei was gone.

He was full of confusion, but he could only hold his breath and open all the doors and windows, so as to let out the scent.

Still, the smell here would remain for who knows how long.

This kind of smell was practically more powerful than a biochemical weapon!

After smelling it, he didn't want to eat, his stomach turned!

Qiao Yanjue waited at home for some time, and when he couldn't resist calling Xia Xibei, she finally came back.